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<head> ... <link rel="start" href="first-file.html" /> <link rel="previous" href="previous-file.html" /> <link rel="next" href="next-file.html" /> ... </head>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> ... other head elements ... <meta name="setInfo" content="2 of 3" /> </head> <body> <h1 id="ec001" class="title"><a href="title.smil#id0001">Title section</a></h1> <h1 id="ec002"><a href="mvbdisc1.smil#disc01" rel="1 of 3">Chapter 1</a></h1> <h1 id="ec003"><a href="mvbdisc1.smil#disc01" rel="1 of 3">Chapter 2</a></h1> <h1 id="ec004"><a href="mvbdisc1.smil#disc01" rel="1 of 3">Chapter 3</a></h1> <h1 id="ec005"><a href="mvbdisc1.smil#disc01" rel="1 of 3">Chapter 4</a></h1> <h1 id="ec006"><a href="mvbdisc1.smil#disc01" rel="1 of 3">Chapter 5</a></h1> <h1 id="ec007"><a href="ch06.smil#id0001">Chapter 6</a></h1> <h1 id="ec008"><a href="ch07.smil#id0001">Chapter 7</a></h1> <h1 id="ec009"><a href="ch08.smil#id0001">Chapter 8</a></h1> <h1 id="ec010"><a href="ch09.smil#id0001">Chapter 9</a></h1> <h1 id="ec011"><a href="ch10.smil#id0001">Chapter 10</a></h1> <h1 id="ec012"><a href="mvbdisc3.smil#disc03" rel="3 of 3">Chapter 11</a></h1> <h1 id="ec013"><a href="mvbdisc3.smil#disc03" rel="3 of 3">Chapter 12</a></h1> <h1 id="ec014"><a href="mvbdisc3.smil#disc03" rel="3 of 3">Chapter 13</a></h1> <h1 id="ec015"><a href="mvbdisc3.smil#disc03" rel="3 of 3">Chapter 14</a></h1> <h1 id="ec016"><a href="mvbdisc3.smil#disc03" rel="3 of 3">Chapter 15</a></h1> </body> </html>
The following example corresponds to "mvbdisc1.smil" in the above NCC example
<!DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SMIL 1.0//EN" ""> <smil> <head> ...other head elements... <layout> <region id="none" /> </layout> </head> <body> <seq dur="4.456s"> <audio src="please_insert_cd_1.wav" clip-begin="npt=0.000s" clip-end="npt=4.456s" id="disc01" /> </seq> </body> </smil>