Schema Documentation - Book Profile
version 1.0

The transition element

On this page:

The transition element represents context changes and other shifts in the narrative flow or content of a document.

The shift represented by a transition does not infer structural meaning on the elements that precede or follow it (see the section element). A typical example of a transition in print documents is a spaced gap between paragraphs, which may include centered asterisks or other glyphs (often referred to as a space break).

The Content Rendition feature's symbol attribute can be used to represent a character marker associated with the transition, and the src attribute can be used to reference an image. If both attributes are omitted, the transition is treated as a whitespace gap.

Usage Example

<p>…walking proudly and silently past the people who knelt by the water's edge.</p>

<transition rend:symbol="*" />

<p class="nonindent">A great fire, banked high and red, flamed in the grate and under the ivy-twined branches…</p>

Allowed parents

address, annotation, m:annotation-xml, aside (block variant), aside (toc variant), backcover, bibliography, block (block variant), block (toc variant), caption, code, description, entry (bibliography variant), entry (glossary variant), flaps, frontcover, glossary, index, item, d:longdesc, note (block variant), note (phrase variant), object, sel:otherwise, quote, section (section variant), section (verse variant), section (toc variant), section (index variant), section (bibliography variant), section (glossary variant), d:simplifiedLanguageDescription, spine, d:summary, td, th, toc, d:tour, verse and sel:when

Allowed children

This element is empty

Content model

a choice of
an optional @srctype
end of choice
This element is empty
