DAISY Consortium Logo - Link to Home PageAppendix 2: DAISY DTB Announcement Scripts

DAISY 3 Structure Guidelines
Last Revised: June 4, 2008

All DAISY DTBs should contain a section that provides information about the DAISY book and how it can be read by the end user. This section may contain a general description of the structure of the book, number of levels, navigation features, etc. (See the Part 1 of the "DAISY Structure Guidelines").

Organizations normally also include production notes stating the name of the producer, name of narrator (if applicable), information regarding usage and copyright restrictions, and so on. To facilitate international exchange of materials thus reducing duplication of effort and waste of resources, it is important that each organization place this information in the same location in each book, within the first level heading, following title author and print copyright information. References to information such as other books in the series available from the producing organization, book clubs people may join, newsletters they may register for, etc. should be avoided as this can be confusing for a reader who is a library client with another organization in another country. It is recommended that information specific to the producing organization not be placed at the end of the book.

It is also recommended that producers place the description of how the DAISY book can be used in the same relative location in every DAISY DTB so that it is easy for the readers to find information about how to use the book. It may, for example, be placed immediately following the information about the producing organization. There should be a distinct heading for this information to facilitate easy access by the reader. Two possible options for the wording of this heading are: "How to use this DAISY Digital Talking Book" and "About this DAISY Digital Talking Book".


The following information should be included in the description. Enter the relevant details and select the descriptions which best suit each DAISY DTB.

Number of CDs

Type of DAISY DTB and how it can be used to be included in the script: "You can go directly to the sections in this DAISY book with a DAISY hardware or software player.

PLUS one of Option 1 through Option 7

PLUS an explanation of what the various levels of headings represent

In this DAISY book:


Additional Navigation Features:

Conclusion of Script:

This DAISY book begins on page ___.

Resources used in the preparation of this information were CNIB Library and Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic