The ref element

On this page:

Possible children

This element may contain text. It may contain the following children: abbr, annotation, caption, code, definition, emph, expansion, l, list, name, object, place, quote, ref, its:ruby, span, sub, sup, term, time and w.

Possible parents

annotation, annotation, block, caption, caption, cite, definition, emph, expansion, h, hd, item, item, l, meta, object, p, quote, quote, its:rb, ref, its:rt, s, span, td and th

Content model

[oneOrMore] At least one or more of:


This element belongs to the core grammar.


Name Presence Description
about Optional This attribute is part of the RDF/a metadata attributes collection. For more information on the usage of RDF/a, consult the W3C RDF/a primer.

One of

• value(s) of type anyURI
• value(s) of type string satisfying
• the pattern "(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+"
• a minimum length of 1
class Optional
Value: Some value of type NMTOKENS
content Optional This attribute is part of the RDF/a metadata attributes collection. For more information on the usage of RDF/a, consult the W3C RDF/a primer.
Value: Any string
datatype Optional This attribute is part of the RDF/a metadata attributes collection. For more information on the usage of RDF/a, consult the W3C RDF/a primer.
Value: Some value of type string satisfying
• the pattern "(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+"
• a minimum length of 1
for Optional No further information about this attribute is available.
Value: Some value of type IDREFS
property Optional This attribute is part of the RDF/a metadata attributes collection. For more information on the usage of RDF/a, consult the W3C RDF/a primer.
Value: A white space separated list of one or more value(s) of type string satisfying
• the pattern "(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+"
• a minimum length of 1
rel Optional This attribute is part of the RDF/a metadata attributes collection. For more information on the usage of RDF/a, consult the W3C RDF/a primer.
Value: A white space separated list of one or more value(s) of type string satisfying
• the pattern "(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+"
• a minimum length of 1
resource Optional This attribute is part of the RDF/a metadata attributes collection. For more information on the usage of RDF/a, consult the W3C RDF/a primer.

One of

• value(s) of type anyURI
• value(s) of type string satisfying
• the pattern "(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+"
• a minimum length of 1
rev Optional This attribute is part of the RDF/a metadata attributes collection. For more information on the usage of RDF/a, consult the W3C RDF/a primer.
Value: A white space separated list of one or more value(s) of type string satisfying
• the pattern "(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+"
• a minimum length of 1
role Optional The role attribute allows the author to annotate elements with machine-extractable semantic information about the nature or purpose of an element.
The value of the role attribute is one or several QNames, which when expanded resolves to a class or property in an RDF vocabulary.
The role attribute generates an RDF triple, scoped to the current element. As compared to RDFa, the expression <x role="foo:bar"/> is equivalent to <x xml:id="baz" about="#baz" property="foo:bar"/>
The Z39.86 role attribute has been designed to be functionally compatible with the W3C XHTML Role Attribute Module.
This module itself does not define a method to assign default prefixes to used QNames; such practice is application specific.
Value: A white space separated list of one or more value(s) of type QName
typeof Optional This attribute is part of the RDF/a metadata attributes collection. For more information on the usage of RDF/a, consult the W3C RDF/a primer.
Value: A white space separated list of one or more value(s) of type string satisfying
• the pattern "(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+"
• a minimum length of 1
its:dir Optional The its:dir attribute is used to specify the base writing direction of the content. If not specified, the default value ltr is assumed.
Consult Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) for further information.
This attribute belongs to the feature «ITS Ruby»

One of

its:translate Optional The its:translate attribute expresses information about whether the content of an element should be translated or not.
If not specified, the default value "yes" is assumed.
Consult Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) for further information.
This attribute belongs to the feature «ITS Ruby»

One of

xlink:actuate Optional Some general information about elements and attributes in this namespace may be found at

One of

xlink:arcrole Optional Some general information about elements and attributes in this namespace may be found at
Value: Some value of type anyURI
xlink:href Optional Some general information about elements and attributes in this namespace may be found at
Value: Some value of type anyURI
xlink:role Optional The role attribute allows the author to annotate elements with machine-extractable semantic information about the nature or purpose of an element.
The value of the role attribute is one or several QNames, which when expanded resolves to a class or property in an RDF vocabulary.
The role attribute generates an RDF triple, scoped to the current element. As compared to RDFa, the expression <x role="foo:bar"/> is equivalent to <x xml:id="baz" about="#baz" property="foo:bar"/>
The Z39.86 role attribute has been designed to be functionally compatible with the W3C XHTML Role Attribute Module.
This module itself does not define a method to assign default prefixes to used QNames; such practice is application specific.
Value: Some value of type anyURI
xlink:show Optional Some general information about elements and attributes in this namespace may be found at

One of

xlink:title Optional Some general information about elements and attributes in this namespace may be found at
Value: Any string
xlink:type Optional Some general information about elements and attributes in this namespace may be found at
Value: simple
xml:base Optional
Value: Some value of type anyURI
xml:id Optional
Value: Some value of type ID
xml:lang Optional The xml:lang attribute is used to identify the natural or formal language in which the content is written.
Consult Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 for further information.
Value: Some value of type language
xml:space Optional

One of


Additional Information