m:annotation-xml, m:ci, m:cn, m:csymbol, m:maction, m:math, m:menclose, m:merror, m:mfenced, m:mfrac, m:mlongdiv, m:mmultiscripts, m:mover, m:mpadded, m:mphantom, m:mroot, m:mrow, m:mscarries, m:mscarry, m:msgroup, m:msqrt, m:msrow, m:mstack, m:mstyle, m:msub, m:msubsup, m:msup, m:mtd, m:munder, m:munderover and m:semantics
This element must not contain text.
This element may contain the following children: m:maction, m:maligngroup, m:malignmark, m:menclose, m:merror, m:mfenced, m:mfrac, m:mi, m:mlongdiv, m:mmultiscripts, m:mn, m:mo, m:mover, m:mpadded, m:mphantom, m:mroot, m:mrow, m:ms, m:mscarries, m:msgroup, m:msline, m:mspace, m:msqrt, m:msrow, m:mstack, m:mstyle, m:msub, m:msubsup, m:msup, m:mtable, m:mtext, m:munder, m:munderover and m:semantics