m:semantics (UNDEFINED variant), m:semantics (UNDEFINED variant) and m:semantics (UNDEFINED variant)
This element may contain text.
This element may contain the following children: abbr, m:abs, m:and, annoref, annotation (block variant), annotation (phrase variant), m:apply, m:approx, m:arccos, m:arccosh, m:arccot, m:arccoth, m:arccsc, m:arccsch, m:arcsec, m:arcsech, m:arcsin, m:arcsinh, m:arctan, m:arctanh, m:arg, aside, m:bind, block, ssml:break, caption, m:card, m:cartesianproduct, m:cbytes, m:ceiling, m:cerror, char, m:ci, citation (block variant), citation (phrase variant), m:cn, code (block variant), code (phrase variant), m:codomain, m:complexes, m:compose, m:conjugate, m:cos, m:cosh, m:cot, m:coth, m:cs, m:csc, m:csch, m:csymbol, m:curl, d, definition, description, d:description, m:determinant, m:diff, m:divergence, m:divide, m:domain, emph (text variant), emph (phrase variant), m:emptyset, m:eq, m:equivalent, m:eulergamma, m:exists, m:exp, expansion, m:exponentiale, m:factorial, m:factorof, m:false, m:floor, m:forall, m:gcd, m:geq, m:grad, m:gt, hd, m:ident, m:image, m:imaginary, m:imaginaryi, m:implies, m:in, m:infinity, m:int, m:integers, m:intersect, m:interval, m:inverse, m:lambda, m:laplacian, m:lcm, m:leq, m:limit, rend:linebreak, m:list, list, m:ln, ln, m:log, m:lt, m:maction, m:maligngroup, m:malignmark, m:math, m:matrix, m:matrixrow, m:max, m:mean, m:median, m:menclose, m:merror, m:mfenced, m:mfrac, m:mi, m:min, m:minus, m:mlongdiv, m:mmultiscripts, m:mn, m:mo, m:mode, m:moment, m:mover, m:mpadded, m:mphantom, m:mroot, m:mrow, m:ms, m:mspace, m:msqrt, m:mstack, m:mstyle, m:msub, m:msubsup, m:msup, m:mtable, m:mtext, m:munder, m:munderover, name, m:naturalnumbers, m:neq, m:not, m:notanumber, note (block variant), note (phrase variant), noteref, m:notin, m:notprsubset, m:notsubset, num, object (block variant), object (text variant), object (phrase variant), m:or, m:outerproduct, p, pagebreak, m:partialdiff, ssml:phoneme (text variant), ssml:phoneme (phrase variant), m:pi, m:piecewise, m:plus, m:power, m:primes, m:product, ssml:prosody (text variant), ssml:prosody (phrase variant), m:prsubset, quote (block variant), quote (phrase variant), m:quotient, m:rationals, m:real, m:reals, ref, m:rem, m:root, its:ruby, s, ssml:say-as (text variant), ssml:say-as (phrase variant), m:scalarproduct, m:sdev, m:sec, m:sech, m:selector, m:semantics (UNDEFINED variant), m:semantics (UNDEFINED variant), m:set, m:setdiff, m:share, m:sin, m:sinh, span (text variant), span (phrase variant), sub, ssml:sub (text variant), ssml:sub (phrase variant), m:subset, m:sum, sup, table, m:tan, m:tanh, m:tendsto, term, time, m:times, ssml:token (text variant), ssml:token (phrase variant), m:transpose, m:true, m:union, m:variance, m:vector, m:vectorproduct, verse, w and m:xor
element, when used with Z39.98-AI markup, must not contain any descendants in the MathML namespace.