The bibliography
element represents a single unique entry in a
The bibliography
element represents a single unique entry in a
<bibliography> <entry> ABBOTT'S (REV. J.) Philip Musgrave; or, Memoirs of a Church of England Missionary in the North American Colonies. Post 8vo. 2s. 6d. </entry> </bibliography>
bibliography and section
This element may contain text.
This element may contain the following children: abbr, address (block variant), address (phrase variant), annoref, annotation (block variant), annotation (phrase variant), aside, block, ssml:break, caption, char, citation (block variant), citation (phrase variant), code (block variant), code (phrase variant), d, definition, description, d:description, emph (text variant), emph (phrase variant), expansion, xforms:group, hd, xforms:input, rend:linebreak, list, ln, m:math, name, note (block variant), note (phrase variant), noteref, num, object (block variant), object (text variant), object (phrase variant), p, pagebreak, ssml:phoneme (text variant), ssml:phoneme (phrase variant), ssml:prosody (text variant), ssml:prosody (phrase variant), quote (block variant), quote (phrase variant), xforms:range, ref, xforms:repeat, its:ruby, s, ssml:say-as (text variant), ssml:say-as (phrase variant), xforms:secret, sel:select (Block variant), sel:select (Phrase variant), xforms:select, xforms:select1, span (text variant), span (phrase variant), sub, ssml:sub (text variant), ssml:sub (phrase variant), sup, table, term, xforms:textarea, time, ssml:token (text variant), ssml:token (phrase variant), transition, verse and w
element must neither be empty nor contain only whitespace.
This element exists in 4 variants. The other 3 variants are: