Schema Documentation - Generic Document Profile
version 1.0

The glossary variant of the entry element

On this page:

The glossary entry element represents a single unique entry in a glossary .

A glossary entry must contain one or more term elements and either one or more definition elements or one or more ref elements pointing to a definition.

To facilitate the markup of glossaries, if an entry contains exactly one term and one definition an implicit association is assumed between them (i.e., the normal requirement to explicitly link the term to the definition by the ref attribute does not apply). If the entry contains mutliple term or definition elements, then the explicit association of each is required.

Usage Example

        <definition>A weight equal to twenty-five pounds Spanish</definition>.

Allowed parents

glossary (section variant), glossary (block variant) and section

Allowed children

This element may contain text.

This element may contain the following children: abbr, address (block variant), address (phrase variant), annoref, annotation (block variant), annotation (phrase variant), aside, block, ssml:break, caption, char, citation (block variant), citation (phrase variant), code (block variant), code (phrase variant), d, definition, description, d:description, emph (text variant), emph (phrase variant), expansion, xforms:group, hd, xforms:input, rend:linebreak, list, ln, m:math, name, note (block variant), note (phrase variant), noteref, num, object (block variant), object (text variant), object (phrase variant), p, pagebreak, ssml:phoneme (text variant), ssml:phoneme (phrase variant), ssml:prosody (text variant), ssml:prosody (phrase variant), quote (block variant), quote (phrase variant), xforms:range, ref, xforms:repeat, its:ruby, s, ssml:say-as (text variant), ssml:say-as (phrase variant), xforms:secret, sel:select (Block variant), sel:select (Phrase variant), xforms:select, xforms:select1, span (text variant), span (phrase variant), sub, ssml:sub (text variant), ssml:sub (phrase variant), sup, table, term, xforms:textarea, time, ssml:token (text variant), ssml:token (phrase variant), transition, verse and w

Content model and additional requirements

Note that in addition to restrictions presented in the content model above, use of this element must also respect the following requirements:
  • Each entry element must contain at least one term element.
  • Each entry element must contain at least one definition or ref element.
  • Each term element must explicitly reference its definition(s) when more than one term or definition are included in the entry.
  • Each entry element must contain at least one definition or reference to a definition.
  • The entry element must neither be empty nor contain only whitespace.
Such requirements take precedence over any conflicting statements in the content model or in the lists above of allowed children and parents.


This element exists in 4 variants. The other 3 variants are:
