Authoring accurate, informative, yet concise image descriptions can sometimes feel like an art. When you add methods for authoring and implementing extended descriptions it is easy to appreciate how complex things can feel. This webinar will discuss the practical approaches taken by a number of publishers to ensure image descriptions for both front and back
EAA Series: Accessibility Testing – T-304 Days – Webinar
In the third webinar of this series we examine some of the different types of accessibility testing that relate to digital publications under the EAA. This broad topic covers content, platforms and technologies used to deliver an accessible user experience from discovery to consumption.
EAA Series: Technical Approaches to Upgrading the Backlist, T-339 – Webinar
The 2nd webinar in the Countdown to the EAA webinar series from DAISY considers the complexity of reworking existing materials to incorporate accessibility. This can vary greatly depending on the nature of the published content. There are however a series of strategies that, if adopted, can aid the rework process. In this webinar we will
Countdown to EAA: T-367 Days – Webinar
The EAA countdown series of webinars begins with an introduction to the EAA itself, exploring the implications for people involved in publishing and reading, and talking to industry professionals actively working to prepare their organizations and others. The webinar announcement article gives information on the first 4 webinars in this series.
M-Enabling Summit 2024
The M-Enabling Summit returns in October to deliver three days of plenary presentations, parallel conference sessions, and workshops, to an in-person and online audience.
GAAD: Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Global Accessibility Awareness Day is designed to get people talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion.
Webinar: The Role of Digital Accessible Reading Materials for Achieving Global Goals Towards Zero Digital Divide
Objective: The webinar on the role of accessible digital reading materials for achieving global goals brings together industry experts, advocates, and stakeholders to understand the challenges faced by individuals with print disabilities in the context of accessible reading materials, sharing knowledge and best practices, promoting collaboration among stakeholders, and advocate for policy changes and industry
European Accessibility Summit 2024
The European Disability Forum (EDF) and Microsoft are teaming up for the fourth European Accessibility Summit, an all-day event on 7 May 2024 in Brussels and streamed online. This edition of the Summit will spotlight crucial themes: Accessibility achievements and policy updates during the last EU parliamentary term; The influence of digital accessibility on the voting process and candidacy of individuals with disabilities in the 2024 EU elections; The
eBraille Summit at CSUN
The American Printing House for the Blind is hosting a gathering organized around our mutual efforts to create the upcoming dynamic braille standard we are currently calling eBraille, formerly referred to as eBRF. If you are planning to attend this year’s CSUN conference in person, you are invited you to the Avalon Ballroom on the
Microsoft Ability Summit 2024
The Ability Summit from Microsoft is a free online event to showcase the latest developments in accessible technology, learn from leaders with disabilities, and explore how accessibility empowers everyone within an organization, your community, and so much more.