The theme for this year's M-Enabling Summit is Strategies for Inclusive Digital Transformations and we anticipate a focus on the major shifts in business, government and education driven by the pandemic that will affect anyone involved in inclusion, accessibility, services to Persons with Disabilities or compliance matters. This annual eventis dedicated to promoting digital environments and
EMPOWER Assistive Technology Conference 2021
The third EMPOWER Assistive Technology Conference will be held at the International Institute of Information Technology in Bangalore, India. Bringing together researchers, professionals, educators, policy makers and people with disabilities, this evert promises to bring together all parties involved in assistive technology to share information about the creation, production, use and dissemination of assistive technology
DAISY in Egypt, the Way Forward
This free online seminar is to raise awareness on challenges encountered by persons with print disabilities in COVID-19 Pandemic situation, promote the provision of accessible publications such as DAISY in Egypt as well as encourage the acceleration of Egyptian Ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty and the necessary revision of the copyright law.
The event is hosted by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MICT), National Library and Archieves of Egypt (NLAE), Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
CSUN Assistive Technology Conference 2022
CSUN will be returning to an in-person event in 2022, hosted again in Anaheim California this event is typically one of the largest assistive technology conferences in the world, with multitrack presentations on a diverse range of topics and a large exhibition space.
Free DAISY Webinar: Accessibility Action Group Seminar
This year the annual AAG seminar, which usually takes place at The London Book Fair, will be held virtually as part of the DAISY webinar series which so many of our readers are familiar with. The theme for this year’s seminar is the Top 5 Must-Have for Accessible Publishing workflows and we will be looking
Sight Tech Global
This free virtual conference is dedicated to fostering discussion among technology pioneers on how rapid advances in AI and related technologies will fundamentally alter the landscape of assistive technology and accessibility, creating a more accessible world for people with blindness and visual impairments.
Basic Accessibility Fundamentals Bootcamp
In celebration of this year's Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Deque is offering free training of its basic accessibility fundamentals bootcamp. This training provides an overview of basic accessibility concepts, such as why digital inclusion matters and how people with disabilities use the Web. Through this training, participants will develop a better understanding about how disabilities
Digita11y Accessible GAAD 2021
Join the team from Digita11y Accessible for their free half-day virtual event featuring accessibility industry speakers to help raise visibility for Accessibility awareness in support of GAAD’s 10th anniversary.
World Blindness Summit 2021
With over 100 of the world's leading experts and organizations speaking and 190 countries participating this summit offers an exciting 3 days of events, presentations, gatherings and opportunity for networking. Registration is free and allows you to attend up to 50 interesting online conferences and webinars.
Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2021
GAAD takes place on May 20 this year and we’d like to encourage all our readers to take part so that we can build awareness in our industry and play our part to increase the availability of your digital content to people with print disabilities, particularly during this challenging time when many of you are