Obi Keyboard Shortcuts

Obi Keyboard Shortcuts


Global Shortcuts

Menu item Shortcut keys
File Alt+F
Create new project Ctrl+N
Create new project from Import Ctrl+Shift+N
Open project Ctrl+O
Save project Ctrl+S
Save project in different location Ctrl+Shift+S
Close project Ctrl+W
Exit Obi Alt+F4


Menu item Shortcut keys
Edit Alt+E
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
Cut Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Paste before Ctrl+Alt+V
Paste inside Ctrl+Shift+V
Delete Del
Delete unused data Ctrl+Shift+L
Find Ctrl+F
Find next F3
Find previous Shift+F3


Menu item Shortcut keys
View Alt+V
Show TOC view Ctrl+Alt+T
Show metadata view Ctrl+Alt+M
Show transport bar Ctrl+Alt+B
Show status bar Ctrl+Alt+U
Focus on TOC view/Content View F6
Focus on transport bar Ctrl+F6
Show peak meter Ctrl+Alt+P
Show source view Ctrl+Alt+O
Show recording tool bar Ctrl+Alt+R
Zoom in Ctrl+Alt++
Zoom out  Ctrl+Alt+-
Normal size Ctrl+Alt+0
Audio zoom in—  Ctrl+Alt+Shift++
Audio zoom out Ctrl+Alt+Shift+
Reset audio size Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0
Section properties Alt+Enter
Phrase properties Alt+Enter


Menu item Shortcut Keys
Sections Alt+S
Add section Ctrl+H
Add subsection Ctrl+Shift+H
Insert section Ctrl+Alt+H
Rename section F2
Decrease section level Ctrl+Shift+Left
Increase section level Ctrl+Shift+Right
Split section Ctrl+Shift+Q
Merge with next Ctrl+Shift+M
Section is used Ctrl+K


Menu item Shortcut Keys
Phrases Alt+P
Add blank phrase Ctrl+B
Add blank pages Ctrl+Shift+B
Import audio files Ctrl+I
Split phrase Ctrl+Q
Merge->Merge phrase with next Ctrl+M
Crop Audio Ctrl+Alt+Q
Phrase is used Ctrl+K
Multi phrase/page operation -> Begin Mark Ctrl+Alt+[
Multi phrase/page operation > End Mark Ctrl+Alt+]
Mark the beginning of skippable note Ctrl+Alt+[
Mark the end of the skippable note Ctrl+Alt+]
Associate the selected phrase with a skippable note  Ctrl+Alt+A
Delink anchor from the associated skippable note Ctrl+Alt+D
Go to the first phrase of the current skippable note Alt+Home
Go to the first phrase of the current skippable note Alt+Home
Go to the last phrase of the current skippable note Alt+End
Clear the role of skippable note  Ctrl+Alt+C
Assign role->Heading Ctrl+Shift+D
Assign role->Page Ctrl+Shift+G
Assign role->Silence Ctrl+Shift+E
Clear role  Ctrl+Shift+C
 Apply phrase detection…->Selected item Ctrl+Shift+P
Begin audio selection Ctrl+[
End audio selection Ctrl+]
Goto Next TODO phrase Ctrl+F9
Goto Previous TODO phrase Ctrl+Shift+F9
Goto Page/ Phrase/ Time Ctrl+G
Collect Special Phrases Ctrl+F3


Menu item Shortcut Keys
Transport Alt+A
Play->Play all  Ctrl+shift+Space
Play->Play selection Space
Pause/Resume Space
Stop Ctrl+Space
Fast play->Normal speed Ctrl+0
Fast play->Speed up Ctrl++
Fast play->Speed down  Ctrl+-
Preview from Ctrl+P
Record->Start monitoring/recording  Ctrl+R
Record->Start recording directly Ctrl+Shift+R
Navigation->Previous section Alt+Up
Navigation->Previous page Alt+Page Up
Navigation->Previous phrase Alt+Left
Navigation->Step Back E
Navigation->Step Forward Y
Navigation->Next phrase Alt+Right
Navigation->Next page Alt+Page Dn
Navigation->Next section Alt+Down
Navigation->Play on Navigate Ctrl+U
Navigation->Fine Navigation F2
Rewind Ctrl+,
Fast forward  Ctrl+.


Menu item Shortcut Keys
Tools Alt+T
Preferences Ctrl+Alt+F
Audio Processing -> Change volume Ctrl+Shift+U
Audio Processing -> Fade In Ctrl+Shift+I
Audio Processing -> Fade Out Ctrl+Shift+O
Audio Processing -> Normalize Ctrl+Shift+Z
Audio Processing -> Noise Reduction Ctrl+Shift+Y
Audio Processing -> Audio Mixing Ctrl+Shift+X
Export Audio Ctrl+Alt+E
Clean unreferenced audio -> Complete Cleanup Ctrl+L
Clean unreferenced audio -> Quick Cleanup  Ctrl+Alt+L
Export as DAISY/EPUB Ctrl+E
Help  Alt+H
Contents F1


Content View Shortcuts

Navigation Shortcuts

Menu item Shortcut Keys
Move to next section Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow
Move to previous section Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow
Move to the first section of the project Ctrl+Home
Move to the last section of the project Ctrl+End
Move to next phrase Right Arrow
Move to previous phrase Left Arrow
Move to the first phrase of the section Home
Move to the last phrase of the section End
Move to the first phrase in next row Down Arrow
Move to the first phrase in previous row Up Arrow
Move to a phrase holding a special role after the current phrase F4
Move to a phrase holding a special role before the current phrase Shift+F4
Move to a page phrase following the current phrase  Ctrl+Page Down
Move to the page phrase prior to the current phrase Ctrl+Page Up
Move to the next Todo phrase Ctrl+F9
Move to the previous Todo phrase Ctrl+Shift+F9
Move to the next empty phrase Ctrl+Alt+F4
Move to next phrase separator Ctrl+Right Arrow
Move to previous phrase separator Ctrl+Left Arrow
Move to enclosing section Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow
Move to a phrase on the right Right Arrow
Move to a phrase on the left Left Arrow
Step back a small amount of time E
Step forward a small amount of time Y
Place the blue cursor at the beginning of the current phrase Ctrl+Alt+Home
Place the blue cursor at the end of the current phrase Ctrl+Alt+End


Selection, Playback and Recording Shortcuts

Menu item  Shortcut keys
Select whole audio in phrase A
Preview selected fragment  C
Return to normal speed  D
Return to normal speed with elapse back E
Increase fast play rate F
Navigate to next section  H
Navigate to previous section  Shift + H
Navigate to next phrase  K
Navigate to previous phrase  J
Nudge selection (forward) N
Nudge selection (backward)  Shift + N
Navigate to next page  P
Navigate to previous page  Shift + P
Decrease fast play rate  S
Play/pause  Space
Play or resume from selection Shift + Space
Preview from current position  V
Preview up to current position X
Selection begin mark [
Select the waveform from the beginning of the phrase to the audio cursor Shift + Home
Selection end mark ]
Select the waveform from the audio cursor to the end of the phrase  Shift + End
Text VU meter right channel Alt +R
Text VU meter left channel  Alt +L
Focus on time display  F8
Turn on Fine Navigation F2
Turn off Fine Navigation Shift+F2/Esc
Backward nudge of audio cursor/right edge of audio selection in Fine Navigation mode Left Arrow
Forward nudge of left edge of audio selection in Fine Navigation mode Shift+Right Arrow
Backward nudge of left edge of audio selection in Fine Navigation mode Shift+Left Arrow
Increase the nudge duration in Fine Navigation mode  Up Arrow
Decrease the nudge duration in Fine Navigation mode  Down Arrow
Forward nudge of audio cursor/right edge of audio selection in Fine Navigation mode  Right Arrow
Preview from audio selection  Shift+V
Preview up to audio selection  Shift+X
Mark selection from cursor  Shift+[
Mark selection to cursor Shift+]
Start recording R
Stop recording  T
Playing Options Ctrl+F7
Recording Options Ctrl+F8


Scroll Screen

Menu item Shortcut keys
Move down one screen Page Down
Move up one screen Page Up


Zoom Waveform Shortcuts

Menu item Shortcut keys
Open Zoom Waveform View Z
Close Zoom Waveform View Alt+C
Goto next phrase in Zoom Waveform View  Alt+Right
Go to Previous Phrase in Zoom Waveform View Alt+Left
Zoom in Zoom Waveform View Alt++
Zoom out Zoom Waveform View Alt+-
Reset Zoom Waveform View  Alt+0
Zoom selected waveform Alt+S
Split Phrase  Ctrl+Q
Merge with next phrase  Ctrl+M
Cut a portion of waveform Ctrl+X
Copy a part of waveform  Ctrl+C
Paste a part of waveform  Ctrl+P
Delete a part of waveform Delete
Phrase Detection Ctrl+Shift+P


Tags: Obi