Friends of the DAISY Consortium.
Regulations (April 29, 2006)
- § 1 Basic requirements
- § 2 Membership of Friends of the DAISY Consortium
- § 3 Obligations of Friends
- § 4 Obligations of the DAISY Consortium
- § 5 Admission, Resignation, Exclusion
- § 6 Final Provisions
§ 1 Basic requirements
(1) [Basis]
The present Regulations are based on the Articles of Association of the DAISY Consortium, which state the following:
§ 7 Formation of Friends of the DAISY Consortium
(1) [Involvement of Friends to Achieve the Objects of the Association]
In order to further the objects of the Association as formulated in § 2 above, the DAISY Consortium will advocate the formation of Friends of the DAISY Consortium whose members are interested in the work of the DAISY Consortium and are willing to assist financially and/or with their expert knowledge in the achievement of the objects of the Association.
(2) [Terms and Conditions]
The terms and conditions governing the working relationship between the DAISY Consortium and the Friends of the DAISY Consortium and the rights and duties arising out of membership of this group must be laid down in writing, subject to the approval of the General Meeting.
(2) [Mission of the DAISY Consortium, Role of Friends]
The DAISY Consortium publishes and maintains the Vision and Mission as a public statement on the DAISY website.
The purpose of the group of Friends of the DAISY Consortium is to bring together organisations and companies that share the objectives of the DAISY Consortium but do not wish to become members of it or are prevented from doing so under the Articles of Association of the DAISY Consortium.
The purpose of the free exchange of experience and knowledge between the DAISY Consortium and the Friends of the DAISY Consortium in the area of information exchange is to further the achievement of the mission of the DAISY Consortium.
§ 2 Membership of Friends of the DAISY Consortium
Any for-profit or non-profit company, organisation, or individual that shares the objectives of the DAISY Consortium may become a member of Friends of the DAISY Consortium in one of three categories:
- Developers
- Publishers, Educators and Advocates
- Individual Supporters
On the DAISY Consortium website, a list of the types of companies, organizations, and individuals will be maintained.
§ 3 Obligations of Friends
(1) [Declaration on Admission]
Any organisation wishing to become a member of Friends of the DAISY Consortium will complete the Declaration on Admission, as maintained on the DAISY Consortium Web site. Completion of this declaration will thereby affirm their support of the mission of the DAISY Consortium and not to take part in activities contrary to the spirit and purpose of the DAISY Consortium.
(2) [Duration of Membership]
Friends of the DAISY Consortium will commit themselves to membership for not less than one year. If they join in the course of a calendar year, the expected minimum membership will extend to the next calendar year.
(3) [Membership Fees]
A minimum annual membership fee for Friends will be set by the General Meeting of the DAISY Consortium. see § 6 Subsection (3) of the present Regulations]. The DAISY Consortium hopes that Friends will be prepared to contribute more than this minimum annual membership fee.
The annual membership fee will be charged for the calendar year. If Friends are admitted to membership in the course of the calendar year, the membership fee for the current year will be charged pro rata. Membership will commence on the first day of the month following signature of the Declaration on Admission.
Invoices for the fees will be issued by the Treasurer of the DAISY Consortium.
§ 4 Obligations of the DAISY Consortium
(1) [Information]
The DAISY Consortium will provide newly admitted members of Friends of the DAISY Consortium with information, including the following:
- the current Articles of Association of the DAISY Consortium
- the most recent Annual Report of the DAISY Consortium
- the most recent version of the Strategic Plan of the DAISY Consortium
- the Master Calendar of events
- a list of active work teams within the DAISY Consortium.
The Board of Management of the DAISY Consortium will ensure that the members of Friends of the DAISY Consortium are included on the lists for the various work teams in accordance with their wishes and provided with the latest information on a regular basis.
A list of Friends of the DAISY Consortium will be published on the DAISY Consortium website.
(2) [Work Teams, General Meeting]
The existing work teams set up under the DAISY Consortium and the technical meetings will be accessible to Friends of the DAISY Consortium in the same way as Full and Associate Members of the DAISY Consortium, unless the Board of Management decides otherwise.
The DAISY Consortium hopes that Friends will take an active part in its work in the work teams, collaborate in the development of standards and assist in implementing the application of the standards thus developed and the dissemination of the DAISY System worldwide.
The General Meeting of the DAISY Consortium is reserved for Full and Associate Members of the DAISY Consortium. The attendance of non-members is by invitation only.
(3) [Members Area of the Website, Software]
Friends of the DAISY Consortium will not have access to the Members Area of the DAISY Consortium website.
Friends of the DAISY Consortium will not be provided with the software licensed for DAISY Consortium Full and Associate Members.
Non-profit organisations requiring recording software or other software for the production of multimedia materials using the DAISY standards will benefit from admission to the DAISY Consortium as a Full or Associate Member.
§ 5 Admission, Resignation, Exclusion
(1) [Application for Membership and Admission of Members]
Companies, organisations, or individuals wishing to join under one of the categories of Friends of the DAISY Consortium Should go to the DAISY Web site or contact the President and complete the Declaration on Admission, which must be completed online or returned to the President.
The President will decide on admission to the group of Friends. On production of compelling reasons, the next General Meeting of the DAISY Consortium following the admission will be entitled to reverse the President’s decision. In this case the DAISY Consortium will refund any membership fees already paid.
On receipt of the Declaration on Admission the Treasurer of the DAISY Consortium will issue an invoice pursuant to § 3 Subsection (3).
(2) [Resignation]
Resignation is only possible at the end of the calendar year. Friends intending to resign must intimate their resignation in writing to the President of the DAISY Consortium by giving two months’ notice in advance.
(3) [Exclusion]
In the event that a Friend acts contrary to the mission or behaves inappropriately, the Board of Management of the DAISY Consortium has the right to exclude the Friend from Friends of the DAISY Consortium.
§ 6 Final Provisions
(1) [Adoption of the Regulations]
The present Regulations were adopted by the General Meeting of the DAISY Consortium pursuant to § 7 Subsection (2) of the Articles of Association of the DAISY Consortium in Princeton (USA) on 29 April 2006.
(2) [Amendments to the Regulations]
Amendments to these Regulations will be decided by resolution of the General Meeting of the DAISY Consortium.
(3) [Actual Membership Fee]
The various fees for the Friends categories will be decided at the General Meeting of the DAISY Consortium.
This document was last edited for content on April 29, 2006.