DAISY France

DAISY France


Phone: +33 (0) 1 45 30 96 12

DAISY France strives to extend the use of the DAISY format in order to provide access to information for the population with disabilities in France.

The organizations forming DAISY France are:

  1. Association Valentin Haüy represented by Basile MIGNONNEAU, Laurette UZAN and Laurence DE ROQUEFEUIL http://www.avh.asso.fr.
  2. Association des donneurs de voix represented by Pierre-Marie LECERF, Jean-Michel RAMOS https://lesbibliothequessonores.org/.
  3. CFPSAA, represented by Bernard DEFEBVRE http://www.cfpsaa.fr/.
  4. Fédération des Aveugles de France, represented by Fernando PINTO DA SILVA aveuglesdefrance.org.
  5. apiDV (Accompagner, Promouvoir, Intégrer les Déficients Visuels) represented by Pierre MARRAGOU and André GOUADON http://www.giaa.org/.
  6. INJA represented by Yves DUNAND http://www.inja.fr/.