The DAISY Consortium is delighted to once again support the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference by creating accessible digital versions of the conference materials, and offering them for download in HTML, DAISY 2.02 and EPUB formats. Thanks to the CSUN Conference Team for making the…
The Essentials in Your Toolbox, T-122 (W)
In our series of free weekly webinars February 26th saw a session focused on The Essentials in Your Toolbox, showcasing a portfolio of tools and services which are available to content providers as they navigate their accessibility journey. This page contains:…
Accessibility Metadata, T-157 (W)
In our series of free weekly webinars January 22nd saw a session focused on Accessibility Metadata, a topic that everyone in the publishing industry will agree is essential, particularly as we count down towards the European Accessibility Act (EAA) this year.…
AI Use by DAISY Members 2024 Survey Results
At DAISY we closely follow the latest developments in AI, working with companies to test and provide feedback on some of those initiatives. To help inform our work a few months ago we conducted a short survey of library services…
Accessibility in Practice, T-206 (W)
In our series of free weekly webinars November 27th saw a session focused on Accessibility in Practice, which coincided with the European day for people with disabilities. Understanding how people read with assistive technology, and the difference even small considerations in…
New Accessibility Metadata Guidance Benefits All
When purchasing or borrowing a digital publication from a mainstream vendor it has been challenging for people with print disabilities to make an informed decision, primarily due to the lack of information about accessibility available at the point of sale,…
Reading Solutions, T-241 (W)
In our series of EAA monthly webinars October 23rd saw a session that explored innovations being made to improve the accessibility of reading solutions. Ensuring people can read accessible ebooks across a variety of different platforms, customizing the presentation of…
Image Description, T-269 (W)
In our series of EAA monthly webinars September 25th saw a session that explored the practical workflow approaches available to publishers to ensure image descriptions for both front and back list titles are authored in a timely fashion and to…
IFLA Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities Seminar August 2024
The IFLA Library Services for Persons with Print Disabilities Section (LPD) Section organized a seminar hosted by the National Library Service of the Library of Congress in Washington DC, USA, from 20-24 August 2024. This international seminar offered a great…
Accessibility Testing T-304 (W)
In our series of EAA monthly webinars August 28th saw a session that explored the diverse range of tests and assessments, both automated and manual, that can be performed to help refine the user experience and ultimately ensure a content…