DAISY—Structure Guidelines: Elements, Block Elements, Information Object Paragraph
Information Object
The paragraph is the fundamental organizational unit for all prose texts. It is the most basic regular unit into which prose can be divided. Paragraphs have no firm internal structure but contain prose represented by as a mix of characters, entity references, phrases and embedded elements such as lists, figures or tables.
A paragraph is marked by the <p> tag, which surrounds the content of the paragraph.
<p>Of the kindness of Dr. Stephenson, he always spoke with the
greatest warmth of gratitude and affection.</p>
<p>After he had followed his studies at Edinburgh for four years,
on the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1745, he returned to Dumfries,where he resided with Mr. McMurdo, his brother-in-law, in whose house he was treated with kindness and affection; and had an opportunity,from the society which it afforded, of considerably increasing the store of his ideas. In 1746, he published a small collection of his poems, at Glasgow.</p>
<p>After the close of the Rebellion, and the complete restoration of the peace of the country, he returned to Edinburgh, and pursued his studies there for six years longer.</p>