DAISY—Structure Guidelines: Elements, Inline Elements, Information Object Producer’s Note
Information Object
Producer’s Note
Language which has been added to the DTB by the producing organization; commonly used to provide verbal descriptions of visual elements such as charts, graphs, etc., supply operating instructions, or describe differences between the print book and the DTB. Traditionally, this has been called a transcriber’s note, reader’s note, or editor’s note.
Producer’s notes are marked with the <prodnote> tag and must be identified as “required” or “optional” using the “render” attribute. Optional producer’s notes may be turned on or off by the user; that is, the playback device or browser includes settings that either automatically play all producer’s notes as they are encountered or play only those marked as “required.” The producer must decide for each <prodnote> whether it contains critical information and is thus marked as “required” or merely contains helpful information that a user could skip without harm. If there’s uncertainty whether to use the “optional” or “required” attribute, use “required”.
The showin attribute can be used to control in which of three media types a given <prodnote> will be displayed. The allowable values for showin are xxx, xxp, xlx, xlp, bxx, bxp, blx, and blp, where x = inappropriate, b = braille, l = large print, and p = print. Thus the value “xlp” would prompt a player to display the prodnote in large print or print versions, but not in braille.
See Block Elements Information Object: Producer’s Note for examples of <prodnote> used as a block element.
<prodnote render="required">..</prodnote>
<prodnote render="optional">..</prodnote>
<p>The twenty-first century began in 1999. <prodnote render="optional">This sentence has been read exactly as it appears in the print book.</prodnote></p>