Application Preferences of Tobi
The application preferences of Tobi are presented to the users in the form of a dialog box, which is illustrated in User Interface of Tobi. Each preference is modifiable and is described in the table below. The first column of the table lists the preferences, the second informs what type of control is provided to accept a value for the preference, and the third column describes what the preference denotes.
Preference Name | Control type | Description |
Audio_AlwaysMonitor | Check box | If checked, Tobi always monitors the quality of audio input. Otherwise, performs this operation only while recording or audio monitoring. |
Audio_AutoPlayAfterSplit | Check box | If checked, plays the audio content subsequent to the split point at completion of the Split operation. |
Audio_ButtonBarVisible | Check box | If checked, the Audio toolbar will be shown; otherwise, it will be hidden. |
Audio_DisableAfterRecordSelection | Check box | If checked, Tobi places the audio cursor at the end of the newly recorded audio instead of selecting it. |
Audio_DisableAutoJumpToBegin | Check box | If checked, Tobi keeps the audio cursor at the end of the waveform after playback instead of moving it to the beginning. |
Audio_DisableSingleWavFileRecord | Check box | If checked, disables creation of a new file each time you hit the Stop recording and continue command while recording. |
Audio_EnablePlayPreviewBeforeRecord | Check box | If checked, plays a small portion of audio immediately preceding the marked cursor position or the beginning of the audio selection before initiating the Record command. |
Audio_EnableSkippability | Check box | If checked, the Stop recording and continue command will also record for the skippable elements; otherwise, it will skip the skippable elements. |
Audio_InputDevice | Combo box | The sound capture driver to be used for recording. |
Audio_OutputDevice | Combo box | The sound driver to be used for playback. |
Audio_PlayKeepPitch | Check box | If checked, the pitch will be preserved when the playback rate is increased or decreased. |
Audio_Record_OverwriteFollowingAudio | Check box | If checked, Tobi overwrites the existing audio with the audio being recorded. |
Audio_TTS_Voice | Edit box | The synthetic voice to be used for generating audio using text to speech conversion. |
AudioCodecDisableACM | Check box | If checked, disables the audio compression manager for run time audio compression or decompression. |
AudioEffect_Amplify | Edit box | Enables you to increase or decrease the multiplying factor of amplification. |
AudioEffect_SlowDown | Edit box | Enables you to increase or decrease the rate of slowing down the audio. |
AudioEffect_SpeedUp | Edit box | Enables you to increase or decrease the rate to speed up the audio. |
AudioExportEncodeToMP3 | Check box | If checked, Tobi will export audio content in MP3 format. Otherwise, it will store the exported audio in WAV format. |
AudioExportFilenameSectionHeading | Check box | If checked, the check box Add headings to audio filenames of the export dialog is checked. |
AudioExportFileNameSectionHeadingMaxLength | Edit box | The maximum length of the exported audio filenames when user chooses to add section headings to them. |
AudioExportMP3BitRate | Combo box | The bit rate to be used for the MP3 files to be exported. |
AudioExportSampleRate | Combo box | The sampling rate to be used for the exported audio files. |
AudioExportStereo | Check box | If checked, the exported audio files will have stereo channels. Otherwise, they will have mono channel. |
AudioProjectSampleRate | Combo box | The sampling rate to be used for the project by default. |
AudioProjectStereo | Check box | If checked, the projects will have stereo channels by default. Otherwise, they will have mono channel. |
AudioWaveForm_Color_Back | Combo box | The background color used for the waveform panel in the Audio Editor pane of Tobi. |
AudioWaveForm_Color_Bars | Combo box | The color used for the bars of the waveform. |
AudioWaveForm_Color_border | Combo box | The color used for the outline of the waveform. |
AudioWaveForm_Color_CursorBorder | Combo box | The color used for the audio cursor. |
AudioWaveForm_Color_CursorFill | Combo box | The color used for filling the top and bottom of the audio cursor. |
AudioWaveForm_Color_Fill | Combo box | The color used to fill the waveforms between the bars. |
AudioWaveForm_Color_Phrases | Combo box | The color used for the line separating the waveforms of one text fragment from another. |
AudioWaveForm_Color_Selection | Combo box | The color used for displaying the selected audio in the waveform. |
AudioWaveForm_Color_TimeText | Combo box | The color used for displaying the time over the waveforms in the Audio Editor pane. |
AudioWaveForm_DisableDraw | Check box | If checked, Tobi will not draw the waveforms. |
AudioWaveForm_DrawStyle | Combo box | The design style used for drawing the waveforms. |
AudioWaveform_JumpTimeStep | Edit box | The time interval by which the Step back and Step forward commands move the audio cursor. |
AudioWaveform_JumpTimeStepX | Edit box | The time interval by which the Step back (more)and Step forward (more) commands move the audio cursor. |
AudioWaveForm_LoadDelay | Edit box | Delay in waveform rendering to allow space for other operations. |
AudioWaveForm_RenderMethod | Combo box | The way in which waveforms will be rendered; such as vector graphics or bitmap. |
AudioWaveForm_Resolution | Edit box | It is used to determine how much fine grain will be the waveforms. |
AudioWaveForm_ThreadBytesThreshold | Edit box | |
AudioWaveForm_tileWidth | Edit box | |
AudioWaveForm_TimeStepPlayPreview | Edit box | Determines the preview duration; the length of audio to be played for the Preview command. |
AudioWaveForm_UseDecibals | Check box | If checked, logarithmic waveforms will be displayed. |
AudioWaveForm_UseVectorAtResize | Check box | If checked, uses vector graphics while resizing the waveforms. |
AudioWaveForm_VectorWidthThreshold | Edit box | |
Document_Back | Combo box | The background color used for the Document pane. |
Document_ButtonBarVisible | Check box | If checked, the Document toolbar will be visible; otherwise, it will be hidden. |
Document_Color_Font_Audio | Combo box | The color of the text that has audio corresponding to it. |
Document_Color_Font_NoAudio | Combo box | The color of the text that has no audio corresponding to it. |
Document_Color_TextOnly | Combo box | |
Document_Color_Hyperlink_Back | Combo box | The background color of the hyperlink. |
Document_Color_PageNum_Back | Combo box | The background color used for the page numbers in the Document pane. |
Document_Color_Selection_Back1 | Combo box | The color used for the background of the higher selection in the Document pane. |
Document_Color_Selection_Back2 | Combo box | The background color to be used for the lower selection (actual selection) in the Document pane. |
Document_Color_Selection_Border | Combo box | The color used for the border of the selection in the Document pane. |
Document_Color_Selection_Font | Combo box | The color used for the font of the selection in the Document pane. |
Document_Color_Selection_UnderOverLIne | Combo box | |
Document_EnableInstantSearch | Check box | If checked, searches the matching entry while typing (without pressing the Enter key). |
Document_SinglePhraseView | Check box | If checked, the Document pane will display only the selected item at one point of time; otherwise, it will display the entire contents of the document. |
Document_TextOnlyAlign | Combo box | |
Document_TypeFace | Combo box | The font used for the text of the document. |
Document_UseDottedSelect | Check box | |
Document_Zoom | Edit box | The numeric value determining the zoom level for the Document pane; “100” signifies the default size. |
EnableAnonymousUsageReport | Check box | If checked, Tobi will send the usage report to DAISY Consortium. |
EnableAudioCues | Check box | If checked, gives voice indications for confirmations or warnings. |
EnableAutoBackupProject | Check box | If checked, saves a copy of the project file with the current timestamp. |
EnableAutoSaveProject | Check box | If checked, Tobi saves the project file (with .xuk extension) each time it is modified. |
EnableMediaKit | Check box | If checked, enables video playback. |
EnableRecentFilesMenu | Check box | If checked, displays the Recent Files menu item. |
EnableTextSyncGranularity | Check box | If checked, the document will have coarse granularity. This means that users will be able to navigate and record at paragraph level. Otherwise, the document will have finest granularity, enabling the users to navigate and record at sentence or word level. |
ExportGenerateSMILNotes | Check box | If checked, creates a link between noteref/annoref element and the referred skippable note, such as footnote, in the exported SMIL FILE. |
ExportIncludeImageDescriptions | Check box | If checked, includes image descriptions in the exported DTB. Otherwise, the descriptions will only be copied to the DIAGRAM Descriptions directory. |
FilePathMax | Edit box | Sets the maximum length for the path of the project directory and warns the users if it exceeds this limit. |
Keyboard_AppExit | Edit box | The shortcut key combination to exit from Tobi. |
Keyboard_Audio_BeginSelection | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to begin an audio selection. |
Keyboard_Audio_ClearSelection | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to remove the begin selection and end selection marks of the audio selection. |
Keyboard_Audio_Delete | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to delete the selected audio. |
Keyboard_Audio_EndSelection | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to mark the end of the audio selection. |
Keyboard_Audio_ExportOptions | Edit box | |
Keyboard_Audio_FileInsert | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to import audio files in the project. |
Keyboard_Audio_GenTTS | Edit box | The shortcut to generate audio equivalent of the selection using the text to speech synthesizer. |
Keyboard_Audio_GoBack | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move the beginning of the previous waveform (audio corresponding to the previous item of the Document pane). |
Keyboard_Audio_GoForward | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to go the beginning of the next waveform. |
Keyboard_Audio_GoToBegin | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to jump to the beginning of the current waveform. |
Keyboard_Audio_GoToEnd | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to jump to the end of the waveform. |
Keyboard_Audio_OpenFile | Edit box | |
Keyboard_Audio_PlayAutoAdvance | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to play the audio content continuously while advancing to the next item. |
Keyboard_Audio_PlaybackRateDown | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to decrease the rate at which audio will be played. |
Keyboard_Audio_PlaybackRateReset | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to reset the playback rate. |
Keyboard_Audio_PlaybackRateUp | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to increase the rate at which audio will be played. |
Keyboard_Audio_PlayLeftPreview | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to preview audio up to the marked cursor position or the beginning of the audio selection. |
Keyboard_Audio_PlayPause | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to play or pause the playback. |
Keyboard_Audio_PlayRightPreview | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to preview audio after the marked cursor position or the beginning of the audio selection. |
Keyboard_Audio_ResetSessionCounter | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to reset the session counter for the current session. |
Keyboard_Audio_SelectAll | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to select the audio content corresponding to the selected item of the Document pane. |
Keyboard_Audio_SelectLeft | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to select the audio content from the beginning of the current waveform to the audio cursor. |
Keyboard_Audio_SelectNextChunk | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to select the entire content of the next waveform. |
Keyboard_Audio_SelectPreviousChunk | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to select the entire content of the previous waveform. |
Keyboard_Audio_SelectRight | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to select the audio content from the audio cursor to the end of the current waveform. |
Keyboard_Audio_Split | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to split the waveform at the position of audio cursor. |
Keyboard_Audio_StartStopMonitor | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to start or stop audio monitoring. |
Keyboard_Audio_StartStopRecord | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to start or stop recording. |
Keyboard_Audio_StepBack | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to nudge the audio cursor backwards by a very small amount of time. |
Keyboard_Audio_StepForward | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to nudge the audio cursor forward by a very small amount of time. |
Keyboard_StopPlayMonitorRecord | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to stop audio monitoring or recording. |
Keyboard_Audio_StopRecordAndContinue | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to stop recording for the current item and start recording for the next item of the Document pane. |
Keyboard_Audio_ToggleAutoPlayMode | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to turn on or off the Auto play mode. |
Keyboard_Audio_TogglePlayPreviewBeforeRecord | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to activate or deactivate recording with warm-up playback, whereby Tobi will preview audio up to the cursor position before initiating the Record command. |
Keyboard_Audio_ZoomFitFull | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to fit the displayed waveforms in the expanse of the Audio Editor pane. |
Keyboard_Audio_ZoomSelection | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to zoom in or out the selected audio. |
Keyboard_CloseProject | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to close the currently opened project. |
Keyboard_Copy | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to copy the selected text or audio. |
Keyboard_Cut | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to cut the selected text or audio. |
Keyboard_DataCleanup | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to invoke project cleanup. |
Keyboard_DisplayValidator | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to initiate validation of the exported book. |
Keyboard_Doc_Event_SwitchNext | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move to the next item in the Document pane. |
Keyboard_Doc_Event_SwitchPrevious | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move to previous item in the Document pane. |
Keyboard_Edit_Audio_Externally | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to export the audio content to an external file for audio processing using other tools. |
Keyboard_EditDescriptions | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to launch the editor for creating or modifying image descriptions. |
Keyboard_EditPhraseText | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to open the Edit text dialog for editing the text of the current item. |
Keyboard_EditPreferences | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to invoke the Preferences dialog. |
Keyboard_Export | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to initiate the Export command. |
Keyboard_Find | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to invoke the Find function. |
Keyboard_FindNext | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to find the next matching entry in the document. |
Keyboard_FindPrevious | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to find the previous matching entry in the document. |
Keyboard_Focus_Audio | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move the focus to the Audio toolbar. |
Keyboard_Focus_Doc | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move the keyboard focus to the Document pane. |
Keyboard_Focus_Nav | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move the focus to the Navigation pane. |
Keyboard_Focus_StatusBar | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move the focus to the Status bar of Tobi. |
Keyboard_Focus_Toolbar | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move the focus to the Main toolbar. |
Keyboard_Focus_Txt | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move the focus to the Document toolbar. |
Keyboard_FollowLink | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move to the associated skippable element. |
Keyboard_Help | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to open Tobi User Reference Manual in web browser. |
Keyboard_Import | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to import DAISY/EPUB book or text document in Tobi, and create a new project for it. |
Keyboard_Metadata_Edit | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to open the Metadata Editor. |
Keyboard_Open | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to import a document/book or open an existing project. |
Keyboard_OpenConvert | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to convert DAISY books in EPUB format. |
Keyboard_OpenRecent | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to open the Recent Files dialog. |
Keyboard_Paste | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to paste the item from the clipboard to the current location. |
Keyboard_Redo | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to redo the undone operation. |
Keyboard_Save | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to save the current project. |
Keyboard_saveAs | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to save a copy of the current project. |
Keyboard_ShowXUKSpine | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to show the Project Spine dialog. |
Keyboard_StructureSelectDown | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to narrow selection (hide the sub-items of higher selection in the Document Structure Trail). |
Keyboard_StructureSelectUp | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to expand selection (show the sub-items of the higher selection in the Document Structure trail). |
Keyboard_SwitchNarratorView | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to launch the Narrator View. |
Keyboard_ToggleDocMark | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to place or remove the document mark. |
Keyboard_ToggleSinglePhraseView | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to toggle the display of the Document pane between the Single Phrase mode and normal view (where entire contents of the document are displayed). |
Keyboard_ToggleTextSyncGranularity | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to toggle the granularity of the document from fine to coarse and vice versa. |
Keyboard_UI_Zoom_Decrease | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to shrink Tobi’s UI. |
Keyboard_UI_Zoom_Increase | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to magnify Tobi’s UI. |
Keyboard_UI_Zoom_Reset | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to bring the zoom level of the user interface to default. |
Keyboard_Undo | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to undo the last executed operation. |
Keyboard_UnfollowLink | Edit box | Keyboard shortcut to move back to the anchor. |
Lang | Edit box | Language used by Tobi. |
MediaOverlayActiveCss | Edit box | |
Pipeline2JavaMaxMem | Combo box | Sets the threshold of the memory to be used for Pipeline 2 initialization. |
Pipeline2OldExe | Check box | |
Pipeline2Path | Edit box | Path of the “Pipeline.bat” file, which is used in the backend for the process of DAISY to EPUB conversion. |
Pipeline2Timeout | Edit box | Maximum wait time for Pipeline initialization. |
Pipeline2URL | Edit box | Port used by the Pipeline 2 application. |
ProcessTimeoutMinutes | Edit box | Maximum wait time for the execution of Pipeline tasks. |
SearchHits_Color | Edit box | The color used for the items matching the search term. |
Skippables | Edit box | List of items that will be considered as skippable by Tobi. |
TextAudioSyncGranularity | Edit box | List of XML elements to be used for coarse granularity of the document. |
ToolbarVisible | Check box | If checked, Tobi displays the Main toolbar by default; otherwise, it hides the toolbar. |
UpdateRejected | Edit box | |
UseFriendlyTimeFormat | Check box | If checked, uses the “” format for time values; otherwise, displays time in milliseconds only. |
UserID | Edit box | Default string to appear as User ID in User registration form. |
UserID_DoNotAskAgain | Check box | If checked, Tobi does not display the registration form again. |
ValidMissingAudioElements | Edit box | List of elements to be skipped while checking for missing audio during Tobi’s pre-export validation. |
ValidMissingAudioElements_Enable | Check box | If checked, Tobi skips the elements listed in the preference ValidMissingAudioElements while checking for missing audio during pre-export validation. |
Window_UI_zoom | Edit box | Sets the zoom level for the user interface; “1” denotes the default size. |
WindowDisableUIAutomation | Check box | If checked, the programmatic access to the user interface elements is disabled. As a result, assistive technology products, such as screen readers, will not be able to interact with Tobi’s accessibility layer. |
WindowShellFullScreen | Check box | If checked, Tobi’s application window will be maximized. |
WindowShellHight | Edit box | The height of the application window, if it is not maximized. |
WindowsShellLeft | Edit box | The position (in pixels) where the left edge of the application window will be placed. |
WindowsShellRightToLeft | Check box | |
WindowsShellTop | Numeric edit box | The position (in pixels) where the top edge of the application window will be placed. |
WindowsShellWidth | Numeric edit box | The width of the application window of Tobi. |
WPFSoftwareRender | Check box | |
XUK_PrettyFormat | Check box | The XUK file is formed with human readable element names. |