The London Book Fair 2022 usually hosts a number of events related to accessibility and some DAISY members exhibit and present at the event. Of particular note this year is the seminar Taking Practical Steps Towards Sustainability. Stacy Scott, Chair of the UK’s Accessibility Action Group will be presenting during this seminar which is free
The Zero Project Conference, ZeroCon22, is a hybrid event and includes contributions from world leaders, speakers from renowned organizations as well as innovations from around the world. This year the theme of Accessibility is paramount and ZeroCon22 will be featuring different tracks covering innovations and insights from key accessibility leaders from Civil Society, Business, ICT, and the
AudioLive-International Professional Audio Book Meetings
Audiolive is the meeting place for professionals in the audio book sector: writing, production, casting, publishing houses, distribution, platforms, sound libraries, bookstores, media libraries, reading and listening materials. Audiolive will be held online, both in seminar format and in live cast for anyone who just wants to follow the topics, without getting into the debate.
Axe-con 2022
Axe-con is a free virtual digital accessibility conference run by Deque and intended for developers, designers, business users, and accessibility professionals of all experience levels. The three days of multitrack sessions start with an opening keynote from Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
ATIA 2022
The ATIA conference is a gathering of assistive technology practitioners, teachers, parents and caregivers, persons with disabilities, sharing information and resources, and highlighting the latest developments in the industry. This year the event is in-person with a virtual component. Of particular interest to our audience is the session entitled: You Can Make An EPUB: Easy
Techshare Pro 2021
The Techshare Pro Conference from AbilityNet is one of the largest inclusion and accessibility gatherings in Europe. This year the event is online-only, allowing global participants to enjoy the three days of keynotes and workshops.
Accessing Higher Ground 2021
The Accessing Higher Ground conference is a multi-track pan-disability event that caters to an educational and professional audience. This year the event is being held in-person and online.
Inclusive Design 24 2021 #id24
Inclusive Design 24 is a free 24-hour online community event on accessibility. It celebrates efforts worldwide to ensure people with disabilities have full and equal access to the web. This 24 hour completely free event includes 24 one-hour webinars on all things accessibility. The sessions range from beginner to advanced and are aimed at everyone
M-Enabling Summit 2021
The theme for this year's M-Enabling Summit is Strategies for Inclusive Digital Transformations and we anticipate a focus on the major shifts in business, government and education driven by the pandemic that will affect anyone involved in inclusion, accessibility, services to Persons with Disabilities or compliance matters. This annual eventis dedicated to promoting digital environments and
EMPOWER Assistive Technology Conference 2021
The third EMPOWER Assistive Technology Conference will be held at the International Institute of Information Technology in Bangalore, India. Bringing together researchers, professionals, educators, policy makers and people with disabilities, this evert promises to bring together all parties involved in assistive technology to share information about the creation, production, use and dissemination of assistive technology