In our series of free weekly webinars February 26th saw a session focused on The Essentials in Your Toolbox, showcasing a portfolio of tools and services which are available to content providers as they navigate their accessibility journey. This page contains:…
Accessibility Metadata, T-157 (W)
In our series of free weekly webinars January 22nd saw a session focused on Accessibility Metadata, a topic that everyone in the publishing industry will agree is essential, particularly as we count down towards the European Accessibility Act (EAA) this year.…
Technical Approaches to Upgrading the Backlist for the EAA, T-339 Days (W)
In our new series of EAA monthly webinars July 24th saw a session focused on the complexities of reworking existing materials to incorporate accessibility. This can vary greatly depending on the nature of the published content. There are however a series…
Countdown to EAA, T-367 Days (W)
In our new series of EAA monthly webinars, June 26th saw an overview session of the European Accessibility Act, kick starting the DAISY Countdown series of webinar events in the run up to the EAA coming into force in June 2025.…
EAA Backlist Confusion – Looking at Regional Differences
The European Accessibility Act comes into effect in June 2025, bringing with it a diverse range of requirements designed to improve the accessibility of products and services for people with disabilities. The implications of the legislation reach far beyond the…
Counting Down to the European Accessibility Act
With a little over 12 months to go until the European Accessibility Act comes into force we are excited to bring you the next season of our highly regarded webinar series, entitled, “Counting Down to the EAA”. There is much…
European Inclusive Publishing Forum – Update
The DAISY AGM this year included a presentation on the European Inclusive Publishing Forum which DAISY hosts to enable the sharing of information and practices from across Europe to support the publishing community in preparing for the European Accessibility Act.…
EU Accessibility Act: Update (W)
In our series of free weekly webinars December 1st saw a session focused on the European Accessibility Act giving us a chance to check-in and find out the latest updates as we prepare for the act. This page contains: Full Video…
Common Position on the Importance of Accessible Reading
On September 8th 2021, the International Literacy Day, six DAISY Member organizations collaborated to publish a common position on the importance of accessible reading. This work has been driven at least in part to aid the publishing industry in preparations…
EPUB Accessibility: EU Accessibility Act Mapping
The European Accessibility Act (EAA) is an EU directive that establishes accessibility targets to be met by many different types of products and services in order to strengthen the rights of people with disabilities. It is relevant for the publishing industry as…