Counting Down to the European Accessibility Act

Flag of the European Union

Counting Down to the European Accessibility Act

Flag of the European UnionWith a little over 12 months to go until the European Accessibility Act comes into force we are excited to bring you the next season of our highly regarded webinar series, entitled, “Counting Down to the EAA”.

There is much work still to be done in preparation for the new directive and, with this in mind, we want to bring our audience the very latest news, solutions and thoughts on various important topics of greatest interest to the publishing community.

Below you can find details of the first 4 webinars which are free to attend, will be packed full of resources, top tips and discussion points that you will not want to miss out on. Select a webinar heading to register today. Further webinars in the series will be announced in the coming months.

Countdown to EAA – T-367 Days

Jun-26 14 UTC
We kick-off this countdown series with an introduction to the EAA itself, exploring the implications for people involved in publishing and reading, and talking to industry professionals actively working to prepare their organizations and others.

Technical approaches to upgrading the backlist – T-339 Days

Jul-24 14 UTC
The complexity of reworking existing materials to incorporate accessibility can vary greatly depending on the nature of the published content. There are however a series of strategies that, if adopted, can aid the rework process. In this webinar we will hear from those actively involved in supporting the rework of backlist titles to ensure they’re compliant with EAA.

Accessibility Testing – T-304 Days

Aug-28 14 UTC
Access to digital publications under the EAA requires the alignment of multiple platforms and technologies to deliver an accessible user experience from discovery to consumption. In this webinar, subject experts will explore the diverse range of tests and assessments, both automated and manual, that can be performed to help refine the user experience and ultimately ensure a content journey that supports accessibility.

Image Descriptions – T-269 Days

Sep-25 14 UTC
Authoring accurate, informative, yet concise image descriptions can sometimes feel like an art. When you add methods for authoring and implementing extended descriptions it is easy to appreciate how complex things can feel. This webinar will discuss the practical workflow approaches taken by a number of publishers to ensure image descriptions for both front and back list titles are authored in a timely fashion and to a high quality.