A wall of books at varying angles. A chalkboard sign reads "So many books, so little time"

EAA Backlist Confusion – Looking at Regional Differences

The European Accessibility Act comes into effect in June 2025, bringing with it a diverse range of requirements designed to improve the accessibility of products and services for people with disabilities. The implications of the legislation reach far beyond the…

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Common Position on the Importance of Accessible Reading

On September 8th 2021, the International Literacy Day, six DAISY Member organizations collaborated to publish a common position on the importance of accessible reading. This work has been driven at least in part to aid the publishing industry in preparations…

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Opening slide for the EU Accessibility Act webinar

The European Accessibility Act—Consideration for the Publishing Industry and Benefits to Consumers Globally (W)

In our series of free weekly webinars June 10th saw a session focused on the new European Accessibility Act and how we might approach this as an industry. This page contains: Full Video of the Webinar Speaker Information Session Overview Related…

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