When purchasing or borrowing a digital publication from a mainstream vendor it has been challenging for people with print disabilities to make an informed decision, primarily due to the lack of information about accessibility available at the point of sale,…
Born-Accessible Music Publishing: Enabling the Creation of Accessible Digital Scores
The DAISY Music Braille Project identified the need to develop and promote a ‘born-accessible’ agenda in the mainstream music publishing industry, to help get scores to musicians with print-disabilities in suitable formats. Music scores are typically only published in print,…
MathML what has changed and why it matters?
In January the Chrome web browser was upgraded to support MathML, a specification for describing mathematical notation. Microsoft’s Edge browser is also built using the same Chrome technology, so it has also received the MathML upgrade. And the components that…
2020 DAISY Award for Accessibility in Publishing
After reviewing many incredible activities taking place around the world which are working to advance the accessibility of publications, we are pleased to announce the recipient of the 2020 DAISY Consortium Award for Accessibility in Publishing is The Department of…
Metadata in Publishing-The Hidden Information Essential for Accessibility (W)
In our series of free weekly webinars June 24th saw a session focused on metadata and accessibility, which plays a vital role in the accessibility ecosystem. Enabling the discovery accessible features within digital content is an essential element to the success of…
Publishers Faceoff to Prove the Accessibility of their Titles (W)
In our series of free weekly webinars April 8th saw a session comparing the accessibility of EPUB titles produced by a range of education publishers. Publishers are now being required to demonstrate their accessibility claims. It is no longer acceptable…
New Zealand’s Journey Towards Born Accessible Publishing
Written by Geraldine Lewis, Library and Studios Manager, Blind Foundation, New Zealand. Thanks to Tom Smith and Joshua Nathan, Blind Foundation, for contributing to this article. Introduction For the past 12 months in New Zealand, a core group of ‘Born…
The Role of Public Libraries in a World of Digital Reading
I’m looking out at the world from Sweden, a 10 million country in the wealthy north Europe, where ebook and audio book retail has had an increase of 50 % of sales per year 2015-2018. The Swedes’ digital book consumption…
Accessible Publishing Lessons from an Ironman
Training for any sporting endeavour takes dedication, commitment—and most of all—motivation. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not roll out of bed in the morning, leap to my feet and run downstairs to the treadmill with a smile on my…