Finnish DAISY Consortium

P.O. Box 20, FIN-00030 IIRIS
Phone: +358 295 333 105
The Finnish DAISY Consortium is a joint Full Member of the DAISY Consortium. The organizations forming the Finnish DAISY Consortium are:
- Saavutettavuuskirjasto Celia (Accessibility Library Celia)
- Näkövammaisten liitto (Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired)
- Näkövammaisten kirjastoyhdistys (Library Association for the Visually Impaired)
- Ammattiopisto Live (Live Vocational College)
- Förbundet Finlands Svenska Synskadade (The Federation of Swedish Speaking Visually Impaired in Finland)
- Accessibility Library Celia is a government agency specializing in accessible library services and accessible publishing. Additional information is available on the Celia Library website.
- Näkövammaisten liitto (Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired) is an umbrella organization for Finnish associations of the visually impaired. The federation is an expert in visual impairments and sight and advocates for blind and visually impaired persons. The federation is a non-profit organization. Additional information is available on the Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired website.
- Näkövammaisten kirjastoyhdistys (Library Association for the Visually Impaired) is an association which endorses the writing hobby of persons with visual impairments. It also funds library research and training. It is a non-profit, private association. Additional information is available on the Library Association for the Visually Impaired website.
- Ammattiopisto Live (Live Vocational College) is the largest special education institution in the Helsinki Metropolitan area, and it also acts as the national competence unit for special education. Live produces rehabilitation, employment and coaching services designed to help students find employment, remain in working life and promote their physical and psychological resources for work. Live works in close cooperation with Finnish businesses, municipalities, cities and authorities. Additional information is available on the Live Vocational College Web site.
- Förbundet Finlands Svenska Synskadade (The Federation of Swedish Speaking Visually Impaired in Finland) and its seven regional associations act as an interest, contact and service organization to improve the quality of life of Swedish speaking persons with visual impairments in Finland. The Federation is a non-profit organization. Additional information is available on the Federation of Swedish Speaking Visually Impaired in Finland website.