Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM)

Phone: +46 (0) 8 5800 2700
Website: https://www.mtm.se/english/
The Swedish Agency for Accessible Media, MTM, strives to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to read on their own terms. They are a publicly funded agency under the Ministry of Culture. Our mission is to be a national knowledge centre for accessible media.
The Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM) collaborates with local libraries in order to give people with print disabilities access to literature. They produce and lend talking books as well as books in Braille and E-text. Furthermore, MTM provides advice and information on matters concerning talking books and braille, and have a special service for students with print disabilities at the university level.
Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM), is a founding member of the DAISY Consortium (1996) and from 2003-2025 membership was conducted through the Swedish Daisy Consortium.