DAISY 2.02 to Unscrambled MP3 Conversion Guide

DAISY 2.02 to Unscrambled MP3 Conversion Guide

There are many high-quality DAISY audio books that have been made for people with print disabilities, with all the benefits of navigation the DAISY format brings. Since not everyone has the benefit of players or apps that can play DAISY format it is good to know that the audio files from the DAISY folder structure can be played on a device that supports the MP3 audio format. However, some production tools use filenames that means that book chapters are played in the wrong order.

The DAISY Pipeline App is a multi-format converter, and it includes a script to extract the audio files from a DAISY audio books and name all the MP3 files in such a way that they will play in the correct sequence.

Follow the steps listed below to transform a DAISY book to a file set which will work on all MP3 players:

  1. Start the Pipeline App and wait for the Pipeline engine to start (this could take 15-30 seconds).
  2. In “Select a script” choose “DAISY 2.02 Unscrambler”

    Screen shot of DAISY Pipeline App, showing the script DAISY 2.02 Unscrambler has been selected

  3. Select the browse button and select the “ncc.html” file inside the DAISY book folder.
  4. Run the job by clicking the “Run” button
  5. The job status will be displayed at the top of the window. It could read “Running” and later “Completed” or “Error”. The progress messages are displayed under “Messages” heading.

    Screen shot of DAISY Pipeline App, showing the status as

  6. Click the “Results folder” link to view the output.

    Screen shot of DAISY Pipeline App, showing the progress has reached 100%, and there is a link to

  7. The output will be folder named “output-dir” with the audio files arranged in a format suitable for playback in any MP3 player device or app.
Tags: Pipeline App