We’re excited to bring you this new and updated website, and even more excited for what is to come as this is just the start. This new site offers a series of significant improvements over our previous site which performed…
30 Years of Accessible Educational Resources at the Open University
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Open University, delivering flexible, innovative teaching and world-leading research in the United Kingdom and in 157 countries worldwide. It’s also the 30th anniversary of the department which creates accessible learning resources, and…
New DAISY Consortium President and Treasurer
As defined in the DAISY Consortium Articles of Association, the roles of DAISY President and Treasurer are elected by DAISY Board members every 4 years. The recent DAISY Board Meeting in Geneva marked the time to elect a new President…
Using Artificial Intelligence for Image Descriptions
Among the various requirements of the specifications for the creation of accessible digital content (WCAG and EPUB Accessibility Guidelines), the alternative description of images is probably the most difficult for publishers as it requires a very specific knowledge and an…
New Zealand’s Journey Towards Born Accessible Publishing
Written by Geraldine Lewis, Library and Studios Manager, Blind Foundation, New Zealand. Thanks to Tom Smith and Joshua Nathan, Blind Foundation, for contributing to this article. Introduction For the past 12 months in New Zealand, a core group of ‘Born…
The Role of Public Libraries in a World of Digital Reading
I’m looking out at the world from Sweden, a 10 million country in the wealthy north Europe, where ebook and audio book retail has had an increase of 50 % of sales per year 2015-2018. The Swedes’ digital book consumption…
Transparency that Empowers
Creating and delivering accessible content for all users is not a new initiative, but recent global trends have seen a more fervent demand for accessible publications to be the mainstream. Achieving this cannot be the work of one publisher, platform,…
Update from the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference 2019
The CSUN Assistive Technology conference is said to be the largest annual conference on technology and accessibility. As usual the event was packed with informative sessions, interesting exhibits and the opportunity to meet with experts and collaborators from around the world. George…
European Directive to Improve the Accessibility of Mainstream Ebooks
New legislation in the EU which includes accessibility requirements for both reading systems and content, could have a positive and lasting impact on practices around the world. The following article from Fondazione LIA takes a closer look at the new European Directive.…
Accessible Publishing Lessons from an Ironman
Training for any sporting endeavour takes dedication, commitment—and most of all—motivation. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not roll out of bed in the morning, leap to my feet and run downstairs to the treadmill with a smile on my…