CSUN will be returning to an in-person event in 2022, hosted again in Anaheim California this event is typically one of the largest assistive technology conferences in the world, with multitrack presentations on a diverse range of topics and a large exhibition space.
Sight Tech Global
This free virtual conference is dedicated to fostering discussion among technology pioneers on how rapid advances in AI and related technologies will fundamentally alter the landscape of assistive technology and accessibility, creating a more accessible world for people with blindness and visual impairments.
World Blindness Summit 2021
With over 100 of the world's leading experts and organizations speaking and 190 countries participating this summit offers an exciting 3 days of events, presentations, gatherings and opportunity for networking. Registration is free and allows you to attend up to 50 interesting online conferences and webinars.
NFB Annual Convention 2021
The National Federation of the Blind National Convention is the largest gathering of blind people in the world. It is the premier event for training, support, and information for the blind community. It also serves as a governing body, democratically electing their leadership and establishing each year's organizational priorities.
Accessibility in Publishing
This presentation is to be given at the Council of Science Editors (CSE) Annual Meeting which is open to members and non-members. DAISY Chief Innovations Officer, George Kerscher, will be presenting alongside colleagues Bill Kasdorf and Brad Turner (Benetech) and the session is to be moderated by Leslie Walker (American Chemical Society). Aimed at publishing
Include! The Nordic Online Conference on Inclusive Publishing
This conference connects international speakers with key participants from the Nordic world of reading and inclusion, to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing on inclusive publishing. The NIPI network wants to promote the market’s own efforts on inclusive publishing and initiate areas of collaboration. This conference is an opportunity for constructive dialogue among key contributors to
M-Enabling Summit 2020
The M-Enabling Summit is one of the leading events covering the fast-moving technology innovations that enable seniors and persons with disabilities to access digital content and services in new ways. This three day conference and exhibition always hosts discussion of cutting edge topics by respected industry leaders.
Tactile Reading 2021
This is the 2nd Tactile Reading conference, which this year will be held online, focusing on braille and graphics, including digital aids for braille reading and the use of 3D-printed material. The themes will include early intervention and education for children, youth, and adults within the field of tactile reading. A pre-conference event will be
World Blindness Summit
This event has now been postponed, details of the rescheduled event will be shared when available. The Joint General Assemblies of the World Blind Union (WBU) and the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) will be held in Madrid, Spain in the World Blindness Summit, a global meeting organized in Spain
ICCHP 2020
The 17th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) continues the biennial series of scientific conferences in the field of Assistive Technology and Accessibility. Preconference workshops September 7th and 8th, ICCHP Conference runs September 9th to 11th 2020. This event will now be held online.