We recently conducted three webinars dedicated to introducing accessible publishing to an audience of people working in the publishing sector in Africa. This webinar covering “The Fundamentals” was delivered in 3 languages, the recordings and associated materials are linked below:…
Announcing The Microsoft Supported Low-Cost Assistive Technology Project
Creating Accessible Books for Diverse and Affordable Reading Devices At DAISY we have a long history of working with the world’s leading technology companies to deliver amazing solutions for people with print disabilities. We’re delighted to announce our latest project…
European Inclusive Publishing Forum – Update
The DAISY AGM this year included a presentation on the European Inclusive Publishing Forum which DAISY hosts to enable the sharing of information and practices from across Europe to support the publishing community in preparing for the European Accessibility Act.…
Returning to In-Person Training
At DAISY we are regularly approached by institutions working for people with print disabilities to request training in the production of accessible books, document conversion, and accessible ebook creation. For the past two years, training has been delivered online, through…
Liblouis Braille Translation Table Feedback
Liblouis is a free and open-source braille translation system that powers screen readers such as NVDA, JAWS to work with refreshable braille display in various languages, as well as a variety of conversion tools including the DAISY Pipeline. To facilitate…
What Does EPUB 3.3 Mean For Accessibility?
EPUB 3 has widely been adopted by the commercial publishing community as the chosen format for digital books, and is being increasingly utilized for accessible format delivery by educators and specialist libraries. The new version of the standard, EPUB 3.3,…
CSUN Conference 2022 Files
The DAISY Consortium is delighted to once again support the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference by creating accessible digital versions of the conference materials, and offering them for download in HTML, DAISY 2.02 and EPUB formats. Thanks to the CSUN Conference Team for making the…
NNELS Accessible Publishing Summit 2022
February saw the 4th iteration of the hugely successful NNELS Accessible Publishing Summit, held virtually for the 2nd time. One of the benefits of being held virtually was evident in the number of international delegates who joined the summit to…
Accessible Publishing – 2021 DAISY Information Sharing Day (W)
Towards the end of 2021 we held a special DAISY Information Sharing Day webinar. This part of the webinar was focused on Accessible Publishing. This page contains: Video of the webinar Speaker Information Session Overview European Accessibility Act Mapping The…
Member Activities – 2021 DAISY Information Sharing Day (W)
Towards the end of 2021 we held a special DAISY Information Sharing Day webinar. This part of the webinar introduced some of the innovative activities involving DAISY Members. This page contains: Speaker Information Session Overview DAISY in Egypt Digital Braille…