Access to reading through a smart speaker opening slide

Easy Access to Books and Articles Through a Smart Speaker (W)

In our series of free weekly webinars May 13th saw a session focused on reading experiences via Smart Speakers and how this relatively new technology has been a game-changer for many people already, especially those with print disabilities. This page contains:…

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publishing, accessibility W3C standards title slide

Publishing, Accessibility, W3C Standards—Where Are We and How Did We Get Here? (W)

In our series of free weekly webinars May 6th saw a session focused on publishing technology at the W3C, the EPUB eco-system, and baking in accessibility within digital content. Behind the scenes of any technology you will find that a significant amount of…

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ASPIRE webinar cover slide

Telling The Story, Better Accessibility Statements with ASPIRE (W)

In our series of free weekly webinars April 29th saw a session focused on the work of the ASPIRE service which helps publishers and vendors tell the story of the amazing accessibility work they are doing to create a transparent environment for…

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WordToEPUB webinar opening slide

Create EPUB Publications from Word with a Simple Tool Anyone Can Use (W)

In our series of free weekly webinars April 15th saw a session focused on the WordToEPUB tool recently developed by The DAISY Consortium. WordToEPUB is free, simple and straightforward method of converting structured Word documents to valid and accessible EPUB…

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Publishers Faceoff webinar title slide

Publishers Faceoff to Prove the Accessibility of their Titles (W)

In our series of free weekly webinars April 8th saw a session comparing the accessibility of EPUB titles produced by a range of education publishers. Publishers are now being required to demonstrate their accessibility claims. It is no longer acceptable…

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Webinar title slide

Helping Higher Ed Students with Access to Accessible Course Material During the COVID-19 Crisis (W)

As part of the DAISY Consortium series of free weekly webinars the April 1st saw a session focusing on the needs of higher education students from the UK, USA, Canada and Ireland during this time when their learning is being…

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