European Inclusive Publishing Forum

European Inclusive Publishing Forum

Paper formed graphic indicating an active speech bubble in EU flag colors of blue and yellow



The European Inclusive Publishing Forum is a collaboration network to support the implementation of the European Accessibility Act as it relates to digital publications, maximizing this opportunity for inclusive publishing for the benefit of people with print disabilities.


The Forum will facilitate:

  • sharing expertise and information
  • promoting relevant exemplars, activities, resources, and events
  • reduce duplication of effort for best value
  • better consistency for the benefit of producers and end readers
  • identification of gaps to be filled to enable the European publishing industry and meet the needs of consumers with print disabilities
  • inform technical working and standards groups to better meet the needs of the European context
  • developing recommendations relating to inclusive publishing in Europe

Who can join?

Anyone who can contribute to the goal of inclusive publishing in Europe can participate in the Forum. Collaboration is especially welcome from the following:

  • organisations of and for blind, partially sighted, and otherwise print disabled people
  • libraries and reading services serving persons with print disabilities
  • persons with disabilities, accessibility experts
  • authors, publishers, and other rights holders and their associations
  • companies providing services to the publishing value chain
  • digital library and ebook retail platforms
  • developers of reading apps and assistive technologies

Participation in the Forum is free (no cost) and open. Many participants will be from the 27 countries of the European Union. Joining is not limited to these, the European Accessibility Act is important for stakeholders in many countries.

How can I join?

Welcome! Please complete the joining form to be added to the mailing list. This is where we will share information, ask questions, and announce activities. Open forum meetings will be announced on the list.

Open forum meetings

The next open forum meeting has been announced on the email list as 29 April at 16 CEST. You are very welcome to propose additional items for discussion and information sharing by emailing rorme at

Download the calendar invite for the 29 April 2025 meeting


In November 2020, the board of the DAISY Consortium commissioned a project to establish a European collaboration network “to share expertise and information, reduce duplication, and identify a path forward to achieve Inclusive Publishing maximizing the opportunity of the European Accessibility Act”. The project is commissioned by and will report to the DAISY board.