Reading Systems Evaluation

Reading Systems Evaluation



A reading system, which could be an app, website, or hardware device, is needed to read digital publications. Both titles and readers can vary in their features and functionality. When it comes to persons with disabilities, which EPUB reading systems will enable them to excel at their studies, or provide a great reading experience when enjoying the latest novel? Our evaluations will help to answer this question.


This project helps developers improve their eBook reading systems for people with print disabilities, and guides consumers and institutional purchasers to select the solutions that meet their accessibility requirements.


This DAISY led initiative delivers authoritative evaluations of EPUB reading systems to reveal the user experience for people with the most common reading disabilities.

  • In consultation with people with print disabilities we identify the most important requirements for reading systems.
  • We develop the accessibility evaluation methodology which is accepted as the de facto benchmark for evaluating accessibility of reading systems in the industry by DAISY members, disability groups, education institutions and governments.
  • We evaluation reading systems, discuss our findings with the developers and share the results on the website.


The evaluations are conducted by expert testers from all over the globe who volunteer their time. Testing is coordinated by the DAISY Consortium and is open to participation. If you’d like to get involved, we welcome you to contact us. Once you have received an invitation, you just need to follow the emailed instructions to set up your account.


Evaluation results are available at or you can read a round up at Inclusive Publishing, our news and information hub.