General Meetings

General Meetings

  • The General Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the DAISY Consortium. It is convened at least once a year, as stated in the organization’s Articles of Association.
  • The General Meetings are open to both Full and Associate Members. Observers and representatives of companies are also invited to attend.
  • Full Members have voting as well as active and passive election rights at the General Meeting. Each Full Member may have more than one representative but only one vote.
  • Associate Members do not have voting rights, but they do have an advisory role and the right to table motions.
  • An inviting member organization acts as host for a particular meeting. The Board of Directors prepares the agenda and other documents.
  • The General Meeting is chaired by the President. If the President is unable to attend, the Board will appoint one of its members to chair the meeting.

The General Meeting in 2024 will be held in Paris, France on May 30.