Financial Review

2023: Financial Review

DAISY Annual Report 2023 cover

Treasurer’s Report

The balance sheet, income statements and auditor’s report presented in this Financial Review are a summary of the 2023 Financial Report, which has been approved in its detailed form by the DAISY Consortium Board of Directors at its May 2024 meeting.

The Consortium finished the year with a surplus of 89 thousand dollars, which is just under 7% of revenue and exceeded expectations.

Our major sources of income have continued to be split between membership and other sources.  The team have worked hard to secure the additional income for funded projects as well as deliver tools and standards for members which has resulted in the positive balance.

I am pleased to report that DAISY continues to be in a good financial position and has maintained its capital reserve at the target level as well as increase its strategic reserves.

Alison Long


Independent Auditor’s Report

Report of the statutory auditors to the General Meeting of the DAISY Consortium

As statutory auditors, we have audited the accounting records and the financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) of the DAISY Consortium for the year ended December 31st, 2023.

These financial statements are the responsibility of the board of management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We confirm that we meet the legal requirements concerning professional qualification and independence.

Our audit was conducted in accordance with auditing standards promulgated by the Swiss profession, which require that an audit be planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

We have examined on a test basis evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. We have also assessed the accounting principles used, significant estimates made and the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the accounting records and financial statements comply with Swiss law and the company’s articles of association.

We recommend that the financial statements submitted to you be approved.

Zurich, March 14, 2024

Christian Schmid
Auditor in Charge

Balance Sheet as at 31st December 2023

ITEM 2023 2022
Bank 527 540
Accounts receivable 133 12
Accrued income -23 0
Current Assets 636 552
Capital assets 0 0
Fixed assets 0 0
Accounts Payable 12 17
Accruals 56 57
Capital reserve 300 300
Strategic reserve 268 178
Equity 568 478


Operating Income and Expense 2023 – Summary

ITEM 2023 2022
Full members 548 507
Associate members 69 70
Friends 77 93
Total membership Fees 694 670
Technical Training and Capacity Building 219 237
Tools and Standards 320 376
Other Projects and Miscellaneous 89 59
Total Additional Income 628 672
TOTAL INCOME 1,321 1,342
People costs 982 962
Administrative costs 30 25
Other costs 26 34
Standards 3 9
Tools 114 105
Technical training and support 20 18
Communication, marketing, fundraising 33 16
Organization structure and administration 23 7
TOTAL EXPENSE 1,232 1,178
BALANCE 89 164

Next: Your DAISY Consortium Board

2023 Annual Report Index: