Your DAISY Consortium Board

2023: Your DAISY Consortium Board

DAISY Annual Report 2023 cover

In 2023 the DAISY Board members were as follows:

  • Chairman of the Board: Maarten Verboom, Dedicon, The Netherlands
  • Treasurer: Alison Long, Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), United Kingdom
  • David Andrews, National Federation of the Blind, USA
  • Daniel Frelén, Myndigheten för tillgängliga medier (MTM) Swedish Agency for Accessible Media, Representing the Swedish DAISY Consortium, Sweden
  • Daniel Dam Freiling, Nota, Denmark
  • Nicole Gaines, American Printing House for the Blind (APH), USA
  • Michael Johnson, Benetech/Bookshare, USA
  • Won Jong-Pil, National Library for the Disabled (NLD), Republic of Korea
  • Dr. Thomas Kahlisch, DZB (Deutsche Zentralbücherei für Blinde) Representing Media Association for Blind and Vision Impaired People – MEDIBUS, Germany
  • Hiroshi Kawamura, Assistive Technology Development Organization (ATDO), Japan
  • Flavia Kippele, SBS Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte, Representing the Swiss DAISY Group, Switzerland
  • Arne Kyrkjebø, Tibi, Representing the Norwegian DAISY Consortium, Norway
  • Francisco Martínez Calvo, Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles, O.N.C.E, Spain
  • Basile Mignonneau, Association Valentin Haüy, Representing DAISY France, France
  • Alice O’Reilly, National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS), Library of Congress, USA
  • Minna von Zansen, Celia Library, representing the Finnish DAISY Consortium, Finland

2023 Annual Report Index: