Production Processes and Systems

TIES—Production Processes and Systems

DAISY publishing houses have their production processes built around republishing printed books using specialized DAISY specifications. The EPUB 3 specification presents a great opportunity to make processes more economical by replacing existing republishing-based processes with conversion-based processes that convert digital copies obtained from publishers into accessible format.


The objective of the  Production Processes and Systems sub-group of the TIES project is to identify and innovate authoring best practices and production systems for upgrading existing DAISY republishing systems to the more efficient and economical EPUB 3 based production systems. At the same time the group will ensure that the best practices and specifications are able to fulfill the existing needs of DAISY Consortium members.

June 18, 2014: The first Production group face to face meeting was held in Oslo, Norway. Visit the TIES production group face to face page to access the notes and presentations from this meeting.