Latest Release Notes

Obi 5.0 , released on March 14, 2024


Obi 5.0 upgrades Obi to .NET 6 framework for keeping it abreast with the new technologies. This task became a high priority because Microsoft has stopped supporting .NET 4.0 framework from 2022 onwards.

While the main focus was on upgradation, the new version also comes with incremental enhancements to the To-Do functionality and Go To dialog along with other improvements and bug fixes.

The enhancements of Obi 5.0 release are briefed below. For feedback, comments and bug reports please contact us via email:

Version 5.0 will work on Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11. Please use version 4.8 for Windows Vista and version 3.9 for Windows XP, available on the download page.

Highlights of Obi 5.0 release

Implemented import of preferences profiles created in .NET 4 based versions

The new Obi creates preferences files in a little different format than .NET 4 based Obi versions. Therefore, a module for importing old .NET 4 based preferences profiles has been implemented for ensuring seamless import of your existing profiles.

Enhanced to the To-Do functionality

The following enhancements have been implemented:

  • When To-Do mark is applied, the position in the waveform is highlighted. Consequently, the playback is also paused.
  • The Special phrase list dialog now also shows the time of the To-Do mark position.
  • To-Do comments are included in the CSV export.

Go To dialog now accepts time in HH:MM:SS format

Go to time features used to accept time in seconds and milliseconds. Now it also accepts time in HH:MM:SS format, for making it more user friendly.

You can find help on the functionality of these features in the “What’s New?” page of Obi Help, which can be viewed by clicking on the Help contents menu item under Help menu of Obi.

Go to Obi 5.0 download page


List of some major bugs fixed & behaviour changes made in this release:

  • Time was not rounded off correctly for the total duration in Project Properties.
  • Obi was not able to switch to Hindi localization.
  • Fixed accessibility related regression bugs, which were observed while testing JAWS on the .NET 6 Obi.

For complete list of fixed bugs please visit fixed issues page


To download Obi 5.0 please visit download page.

Known limitation

There are some limitations in this release. The team is working consciously towards resolving them. Please visit the known limitations page to know more about them.


If you would like to discuss some Obi feature or report a bug, you can send an email to or file issue on Obi issue tracker. To verify if the bug has already been submitted, please see the list of reported bugs.